這: this段: section; segment; part; para ...時間: time; hour慢慢: slowly; leisurely; gradually復原: recover from an illness; be ...在这段时间里: we're lookin out for your babies mama这段时间效益好: arpu欧,谢谢。这段时: oh, thank you. how have you been these days高中毕业到升入大学前这段时间的临时工作: a temporary job to fill the gabetween school and university段时间单位: segment time unit过段时间后: after a time过一段时间: in on time名词] 一段时间: period某段时间: days specified time period时段, 一段时间: period of time停一段时间: in accident一长段时间: distance一段时间: a piece of time; for a spell; for some time; hour; lapse; period; session noun; space; span; stitch一段时间前: by the time在一段时间: for a space招致,一段时间: spell表示一段时间: he stayed in beijing for some time and then began to move on不久,过一段时间: by and by过了一段时间: after a time好长一段时间: for a long time